At the start of the project I was very unsure and could have never guessed that I'd be making such concept art and got so much done. I started off unsure like everyone else in the class but I took advantage of what I saw and I was looking around for inspiration. I went to the library and looked at the art section let my eyes judge what stands out the most and I would then base my concept on that.
As I went on with this thought, I saw many books about envirionments. They had real pictures of scenery and landscapes, hand drawn environments (paintings) etc. I had no interest in this for now but I did seriously consider doing environment concept art for my FMP because it would've made my portfolio of work and skills broader.
Having talked to the teacher about it, we decided I should go with the one in which I can really begin to show my skills off and so I wanted to a character concept. In the games industry there would have been a brief already made for me by the client and I would have a story to work to, an art style, the way the client wants it drawn etc but because I was alone on this I did all that myself.
I think creating the story went really well for me because in the end of it I was able to create quite an interesting story (if I say so myself).
One of the problems I encountered while working on this project was to create a diverse number of pieces made by different painting and color styles. The problem was that I kept getting tied down on one way of drawing and I'd forget the other for example if I'm doing a quick pencil drawing of the characters that I chose in my research, I would forget to move onto other materials like acrylic paint and water paint or digital drawing. It took adjusting but I very quickly adapted to this and I started creating multiple different pieces.
In order to evaluate my work precisely I designed an online survey on the website '' and gave it to people who had never seen my work before to criticise and give me feedback on it.
I wanted honest reviews and feedback of my work so I added on the survey that ''Any criticism will be used and taken productively''
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Here are the questions I wrote in the survey:
1. What do you think of the work presented in the blog?
2. What are the strong aspects of my art? What do you like about my work?
3. What is good about the work presented to you?
4. Would you say there is a wide variety of materials used (i.e paints, hand drawn, digital)? xxxxxx
5. Having seen my art and my work, what do you think I can improve on? Things you didn't like about my work? Any criticism will be used and taken productively
6. If you think my art was good, please explain what you liked about it. If you see room for improvement and things that I could do differently, please let me know here:
That is how the survey looks. I sent it out for people to fill in and give me feedback on my tasks 1 - 6 and now I will analyze these results.
This response is very thorough and detailed. It points out the strengths and the weaknesses of my work in detail. It talks about the technical quality, the production, the story and base of the project and it criticizes the work well.
For the first question my work is admired and said to be good for a young person as it portrays a unique story.
The responses were positive when it came to the quality of my work. Comments like ''The work is of high quality'' and ''is presented in good artistic style'' say that my final production was good and to a professional standard.
When talking about the art itself and the styles used and the variety of techniques, the feedback said that it was all well painted: ''it is well detailed, the perspective is dead on''
The responses were positive when it came to the quality of my work. Comments like ''The work is of high quality'' and ''is presented in good artistic style'' say that my final production was good and to a professional standard.
When talking about the art itself and the styles used and the variety of techniques, the feedback said that it was all well painted: ''it is well detailed, the perspective is dead on''
The feedback also says that I was successful in using different kinds of materials and so I was able to reach my goal of creating a diversity of different looking drawings by the end of the project.
I know that the reviewers say I met the objectives set for me before I started the work as the comments like ''It is well detailed'' and that my idea and final outcome had a ''singularity'' factor.
One of the reviews criticised that it felt like I stayed away from my initial ideas in certain parts.
This teaches me and the way I take such comments is that I instantly create a goal for next time and how I can avoid making the same 'mistake' again. Next time I shall remember to focus on absolutely all aspects of my initial ideas as that is what the people want.
The only criticism I got was that in future I should go for a different art style next time from the one used this time. Having given a graphic tablet from a good friend of mine, I can now create more work in my free time just to learn and improve on other drawing styles.